The First, Second, and Third Angels’ Messages

The fourteenth chapter of Revelation is a chapter of the deepest interest. This scripture will soon be understood in all its bearings, and the messages...

The third angel and the loud cry ( Revelation 18, mighty angel, another angel)

1. The loud cry of the third angel This is the message given by God to be sounded forth in the loud cry of the...

Characteristics of the third angels’ message in a nutshell

1) The present truth 2) A worldwide message 3) A life and death message 4) The last message of mercy 5) The all-important message 6)...

God’s Purpose in Giving the Third Angel’s Message

The Third Angel’s Message And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and...

The third angel is leading out a people and fitting them for translation: fitting (=purify)

The third angel is fitting them for translation  :   fitting (=purify)   I saw that the third angel is leading out a people and fitting...

The Third Angels’ Message must be proclaimed with a loud voice

The Third Angels’ Message must be proclaimed with a loud voice And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man...

Characteristics of the third angels message – 18. The soul-saving message

The soul-saving message The soul-saving message, the third angel’s message, is the message to be given to the world. The commandments of God and the...

The Most Solemn and Important Message for our Time-The Third Angels' Message

Man is fallible; but the message is infallible. With it all should be in harmony; it is the center of interest, in which all hearts should be united. We may get up points that are of no consequence, and seek to maintain them; but we shall gain no strength by so doing. The message is to prepare a people to stand in the last great day, and to be united in heaven above. None should feel that it is of no special importance whether they are in union with their brethren or not; for those who do not learn to live in harmony here will never be united in heaven. {HS 124.5}

The Theme of Greatest Importance- The Third Angel's Message

The theme of greatest importance is the third angel's message, embracing the messages of the first and second angels. All should understand the truths contained in these messages; for they are essential to salvation. We shall have to study earnestly in order to understand these truths; and our power to learn and comprehend will be taxed to the utmost. {1MR 57.1}